The Antidote to Greed - When We Give, Part 2

In this message, Tyler takes us to a teaching of Jesus to challenge the way we think about money. Not many would raise their hands to acknowledge they have a greed problem, right? It's hard to measure what's in the heart. While money in and of itself is not bad, and is be a blessing from God, money can begin to take a position in our hearts that disorders what our lives revolve around. Tyler reminds us that how we use money is an act of worship, the question we must determine is who or what are we worshipping? Tyler gives some practical tips to practice Jesus' invitation to discover His satisfaction and provision by trusting Him as the antidote to a greedy heart.

Questions for Reflection:
• How do you naturally view money? Where did that perspective come from?
• Give generously, pray about it and surrender completely were the antidotes to a greedy heart. Which of those needs the most effort in your faith journey today?

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